5 Reasons to Avoid Following Social Media Trends.

By Chris Karetas

Do you find your business struggling due to an ineffective social media presence? Do you feel like your social media efforts aren't yielding the results you desire? Consider defying trends and focusing on authenticity to revitalize your social media strategy. Authentic content that resonates with your audience can help your brand stand out and build stronger connections.

While it might be tempting to follow the latest trends in social media marketing, there are several reasons why blindly doing so may not be the best approach. Furthermore, I can help your social media presence by fostering genuine connections and promoting authenticity in you online interactions.

By understanding the pitfalls of blindly following social media trends, I can help leverage strategic guidance to navigate this dynamic landscape and maintain an authentic brand presence.

Hi! I'm Chris and I have always thought outside the box and stayed true to being as authentic as possible.

Throughout my career as a chef, author, graphic designer, video editor, content creator, and social media manager, I've embraced a mindset of innovation and creativity, constantly seeking new ways to push boundaries and challenge the status quo.

In 2019, I created a cooking show called Grunge Gourmet. I honed my video editing skills here and pursued further education at UCSD Extension, obtaining a certificate in Graphic and Web Design. From there, I delved into creating various projects such as a cookbook and designing t-shirts, eventually extending my expertise to assist clients with content creation.

As I continue on my journey, I remain committed to authenticity as a guiding principle, striving to make a positive impact and inspire others to embrace their unique selves through social media.

Curious to explore how we can elevate your social media presence, graphic design or multimedia needs?

2. Short-Term Gains

Trends are fleeting, characterized by rapid fluctuations in popularity. While hitching onto a trend may yield immediate engagement, relying solely on trends for long-term success can be shortsighted. These temporary spikes often fail to translate into sustained growth or genuine connections with your audience. Sustainable growth demands a strategic, holistic approach that prioritizes authenticity and consistency. Brands that focus on building genuine connections are more likely to foster lasting loyalty. Sustainable growth hinges on a strategic, holistic approach that prioritizes authenticity and consistency in messaging and engagement.

3. Risk of Overexposure

Following trends too closely carries the inherent risk of overexposure, potentially leading your brand down a path of perceived unoriginality or insincerity. When your marketing strategy revolves solely around capitalizing on popular topics or hashtags without adding genuine value to the conversation, it can erode the trust and credibility you've worked hard to establish with your audience. By constantly conforming to what's popular or trending, you risk blending in with the crowd rather than standing out as a distinct and memorable presence in your industry. This can make it challenging to differentiate your brand from competitors and carve out a unique niche in the market. To mitigate the risk of overexposure, it's essential to strike a balance between staying informed about trends and maintaining a consistent brand identity.

4. Diluted Brand Identity

Constantly changing your messaging or brand image to align with trends poses the risk of diluting your brand identity, which can have detrimental effects on customer perception and loyalty. Your brand identity is the essence of who you are as a business — it encapsulates your values, personality, and unique selling proposition. When you continuously shift your messaging or image to chase every passing trend, you risk confusing customers and muddling their understanding of what your business stands for. A distinct and consistent brand identity is essential for standing out in a crowded marketplace and building brand recognition.

5. Missed Opportunities

Solely focusing on existing trends can inadvertently lead to missed opportunities for innovation and differentiation within your industry. Innovation often arises from challenging the status quo and thinking creatively about how to solve customer problems in new and exciting ways. By focusing on innovation and staying true to your brand's unique identity and value proposition, you can differentiate yourself from competitors, capture the attention of your target audience, and position your business for long-term success in the ever-evolving marketplace.

1. Lack of Relevance

It's crucial to recognize that not every trend will seamlessly integrate with your brand's identity, resonate with your target audience, or align with your marketing goals. Hastily jumping on every trend without evaluating its relevance can result in a disjointed brand message that fails to connect with your audience. In fact, such actions can alienate your audience, causing them to question the authenticity and sincerity of your brand. Instead, take the time to assess each trend carefully, considering how it fits within your brand values, whether it appeals to your target demographic, and if it supports your marketing objectives.

Benefits You Can Expect

Visual Appeal
Compelling Multimedia
Increased Engagement

In-house video editing, content creation, reels, LinkedIn videos, YouTube videos, TikTok, shorts.

In-house graphic design, social media ads, interactive posts, illustrations, logos, carousels, stylish product mock-ups.

Interaction, increased conversions, shares, collaboration, reactions, connections, community.


"...consisently delivers captivating content that resonates with our fans"

Wow! I am thoroughly impressed by the incredible logo created by Chris. His speed and communication with the production designer is unmatched, and yet Chris didn't compromise on quality one bit. The logo perfectly captures the essence of my fictitious daytime talk show, Daytime with Demetri, for an upcoming movie “A Marriage Made in Heaven”. I would definitely recommend Chris for any logo design needs.

"His speed and quality is exceptional"

"Chris didn't compromise on quality one bit"

I have been so stoked by the awesome work of Chris as our band's social media manager. Chris consistently delivers captivating content that resonates with our audience, sparking comments, shares and driving positive interactions. His ability to stay ahead of trends and engage with fans in DM’s has been instrumental in our success. Thank you, Chris, for your outstanding contributions to our band's success!

Ian Taylor, Adolescents rock band

Robert Krantz, Ellinas Productions

I reached out to Chris to help design graphics for my Bitcoin theme t-shirts, and his speed and quality is exceptional. His attention to detail and ability to capture the essence of the cryptocurrency world surpassed my expectations, resulting in designs that are both visually striking and conceptually rich. I highly recommend his services to anyone looking for top-notch graphic design

Sean Doherty, client

How it Works

Step 2. I'll handle the details.

Step 1. Schedule a Call.

Step 3. Collaborate, create, & excel.

Schedule a call today to discuss how we can elevate your brand's online presence.

I'll handle the details for your project, ensuring a seamless and stress-free experience from start to finish.

Together we will bring your vision to life.

Here's What You Get

Graphic Design
Social Media Management
Content Creation
Video Editing
SEM Analytics
Content Strategy
Content Auditing

Ready to Get Started?